Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lots of work to do...

I went out for another walk / run jog today.  I managed to run for about 7 minutes (which felt like 20) before I felt I needed to walk again and then a further 3 minutes (but by then I reached an uphill bit in the road so had to walk from there).  Not brilliant, but I'm happy with it.  It is better than nothing. 

Apart from my impatience I realised I have to also work on my self-consciousness and shyness.  I can be extremely pushy when it comes to people and causes I believe in, but I am actually really shy and so each time I go out for my walk / run jog, I try and make sure it is at a time I am not likely to meet anybody who might recognise me.  And so each time it happens that I run jog past somebody I might know it really throws me.  So I have a bit of work to do!

1 comment:

blackhuff said...

Well done for going out for another walk/run and so good for running 7 minutes. That is so great! You are doing so good.